Friday, May 4, 2018

The first Who Healed HIV/AIDS

Timothy Ray Brown

when I hear the name AIDS, it feels scary. I can not say that I can not cure it. But I have a person healed from AIDS. Let me tell you today.

when I hear the name AIDS, it feels scary. I can not say that I can not cure it. But I have a person healed from AIDS. Let me tell you today.

search google "Timothy Ray Brown "  . If I use Google images copyright problem hates me. So google search.

His first name was Timothy Ray Brown. He was born in America and goes to Berlin for study. Indeed, he was diagnosed with AIDS in 1997. He was diagnosed with AIDS, and he suffers from leukemia. Like a tap.


As a matter of fact, there is a bone marrow due to the spread of AIDS in just a matter of years. In 2007, a bone tax was paid in the course of treatment. In 2008 he received a bone tone. In 2008, he received a bone injury.

He was healed of Tibet's AIDS virus !!!!!! How did it happen?
The special characteristic of the bone was caused.

There are types of receptors on the cell surface and substances that can be identified.
The CCR5 admittance is that the AIDS virus is inserted into the body, but some people do not have genes that generate CCR5. So CCR5 is not... AIDS cannot be formed ... AIDS is not ...
A small number of people in the world have AIDS. 

There's about 1% of Cocceans who have this naturally. They have been cured of their cellular viruses in the innuendos and have been healed for a long time. They do not have leukemia now ... AIDS does not exist anymore ...

The other patients can not leak free zealous bones? The bones are complex. They can not fit all the cells of their donor.
You need to find a suitable donor.

Even if we successfully set up an atomic tax, we can deny the leaked bodies on our body. The Jinan engineering technology tests the removal of the cells from the cells. The tests for them have been successful.

We hope that such persons will be able to see the AIDS virus in the near future.

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